Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my blog, I am an artist turned illustrator/author of childrens educational coloring books.Because I believe we live in the best country in the world, I want children to learn about our country in a way they will enjoy. I think all kids like to color (even in our electronic world). While doing research for the books I learned that many parents don't know a lot about our country themselves, Some said to me " I should get the books for myself ". So I decided to do this blog, featuring each state as I research and illustrate it for the books. It is a fun way for young and old to learn about different states. Check the Visit the U.S.A. page.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Media

I am a mother, grandmother and an old lady, yet I don't think in most ways I am " old fashioned ".

However I do like  the " old fashioned "morals and family lifestyle"we once enjoyed in this country.

For example I am grateful for the Media we have,  but like my mother always said " there's a little bit of bad in the best of us and a little bit of good in the worst of us .

I think the Media has shown us the Worst" in it since the 1960s and 1970s.
Why ? because it has been most influential in eroding our moral and family life, by introducing the ideas that smoking is "cool" and alcohol makes life more fun and drugs, well " getting high is the best".
They have suggested that it is OK to have a baby if you are not married , and if you are married , being faithful to your mate is boring.
Not to mention that it is OK to take what you want that belongs to someone else. And if you don't like what someone looks like or what they do, just kill them !

As a result we have a society who feel "entitled " to what ever they want regardless if it's right or wrong.

Is it too late to turn things around ? I hope not, but again as I always say we have to teach our children when they are young and set an example for them to follow.

Being a parent is the most important responsibility there is and if we don't take that responsibility seriously and teach our children , then we are failing as parents and contributing to the decay of our society.

History has proven that it is the break down of morals and family life that has caused the destruction of great nations.

I wish the Media would turn around and use it's influence to encourage more family togetherness and better morals because those are the foundation of a strong nation.

But ultimately it is our responsibility as parents, grandparents and family members to teach our children.

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